Friday, January 2, 2009

Another tooth gone!

Well, it's been an exciting Christmas vacation...Christmas, New

Year's and 2 teeth LOST! Should be pretty fun - the top and bottom on the same side. Luckily he's already gotten his permanent teeth in the middle bottom - otherwise biting off stuff would be hard! :-) He's pretty darn exciting to go to school and have 2 teeth on the teeth chart! I'm encouraging him to go for all 4 before Monday! :-)


Anonymous said...

You have had an exciting holiday season--and don't forget to include Jack's birthday on the list!! I love the "holes" in his mouth, but I've always felt that when the new teeth come in that it signals a new stage --he's growing up too fast! --Nana

Lori said...

I saw a dog on tv the other day and his tongue hung out of the side of his mouth. The dog's owner said it was because the dog didn't have any teeth on that side! So now that you have a hole on the top & bottom, just be sure your tongue doesn't hang out. :)