Sunday, September 21, 2008

Scouting Fun...

Here we are...all decked out and ready for our first meeting! (Ryan is wearing his "uniform" too - an official Lil' Scout!)

I went to an all day leader training on Saturday and came out more relaxed and rearing to go. This is going to be fun! At this age, they just have to memorize some things, go on a few fun field trips, do some basic tasks around the house and bing, bang, boom...they get their bobcat and tiger badges. So, as their leader, I feel a lot less pressure! My job is to organize the parents so they each take one den activity - and keep us on track! :-) That...I can do.

More stories to come.


Lori said...

"Organize the parents" is so much more fun when you're the one organizing and not the one getting organized. Or is that just my opinion? Anyhoo, J-man looks sooooo grown up in his Scout uniform. Holy moly, where have the years gone?! Go get em Troup Leader.

Sara said...

I have but one thing to say:
Uniform = Totally Hotttt.

(thank goodness you don't have to wear the skirt as pictured in the original uniform...makes it hard to lead the badge-earning activities when you have to worry about your girlie-parts showing)