Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Meet the newest Tiger Cub Den Mother

Well, you're looking at the newest Den Mother of the Tiger Cubs! Yep, that's right...mostly by default...I have been selected to be a cub scout den mother for 8 first grade boys! I know, I know, you are all thinking...how can I become one too...well, there is a selection process people...they don't just take anyone asking to be a Den Mother. Ok, in reality...at the informational meeting of all the new Tiger Cubs...NO ONE...and I mean NO ONE would volunteer to be in charge of the group. So, technically...they will take anyone. However, even though NO ONE wanted the spot, I still had to fill out an application, have a background check run and have my application approved by the Pack. Soooo...after all of that...I'm in. I'll have to update often as to how this process is going. It is honestly not something I ever thought I would volunteer to do, but as circumstances have it, it is something I must do in order to have Jack (and the other 7 boys) participate in the Cub Scout organization.

No really, the outfit above is the vintage version of the den mother uniform. THIS is an example of what I have, no I mean get, to buy and wear at all scout functions. It is pretty special, I know. I plan to go to Kohls and look for the army green pants and some hiking shoes to go with it! I've got to go all the way people...no half way for this den mother!

So, wish me/us luck. It should be fun. I get to go to all day training on Saturday and the manual has lots of really fun, prescribed activities for each meeting and field trip...so look for more "Adventures in Cub Scouting" to appear in the future!


Lori said...

Pretty. You could probably sneak into the Sea World employee entrance with that uniform. Just a thought.

I'll be praying for you...

Beth said...

Sounds like lots of fun ;) Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Traci--You were made to be a Cub Scout leader. How many leaders have your teacher training? You have a dad and uncles who were way into scouting and it taught them a lot of good life-tools. The good thing too is that you're going to have a special place in the hearts of all 8 boys for doing this. They're going to love you! --Mom

Carol Robertson White said...

I, too, was a den leader. I used your photo and some of your script to make a polyvore page. Hope you don't mind....
I loved being a den mother. If you need any help, call on me.