Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ironman is here!

Well, today was the day...Jack got 2 front braces, complete w/red rubber ties (not too bad really) and the facemask, which we have nicknamed "Ironman" which must be worn at night. Good times at the Hansberry house! :-) Actually, Jack was a really good sport. His orthodontist even called tonight to check on him and said the Jack was a really great patient! Yay, Jack!
Oh yea, and while we were there...they pulled out one of Jack's really wiggly baby teeth because he didn't really want to. :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow--Ironman is right! Good job, Jack and have fun camping this weekend! --Love, Nana

Lori said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! What have you done to my nephew? J-man, you are a rock star.