Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ahhhh...our friends and neighbors move

Man, it seems like every time we spend the time and effort - and it takes both - to meet a new family and we actually begin to like them and think..hmm...we should have them over more often...they MOVE! Tucson is just that kind of town...very transient. After experiencing this emotion for like the 5th time, we sent our neighbors back to South Dakota to be near family. He finished his residency and we knew this was the plan all just stinks when it actually happens. It was sooo great having an orthopedic surgeon in the neighborhood...we never worried about cuts/scraps because Luke always had his suture kit nearby.

This was the last night we had them over...and while the adults were playing Rock Band, the boys - Sam, Ryan and Jack were cuddled in our bed watching a movie. was too cute...and so sad at the same time. We will miss them a lot!

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