Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Glimpse into the future...ugh....

We had a funny moment at the park the other day and needed to share. Saturday after Jack's soccer game both boys were playing on the school's playground. Jack, our social butterfly, managed to meet a new friend, a little girl. Soon, we noticed Jack and this little girl had moved from the playground to the shade under a tree. It was so cute, but also gave me a slight twinge...is this what it's going to be like in a few years, when he's a teenager?!? Anyway, back to the story... So, being the pestering parents we are, Todd got this idea to have Ryan, Jack's little brother, walk over and tell Jack to break it up - he's getting to cozy with this little girl. Long story short, we watch Ryan walk over to Jack, wander casually by and then circle back around to us. Jack and this little girl, on the other hand hadn't moved from their shady spot under the tree. So, we asked Ryan what he said to Jack and why he wasn't coming over. Ryan's response...and this is hysterical... "I just gave him a wink and a thumbs up!" OMG - we died laughing. How on earth would a 4 year-old think to give his big brother a wink and a thumb's up for talking to a girl?!? Oh geeze, I think I did get a little glimpse into the future!


Lori said...

All I can say is...
How YOU doin?

My nephews are gonna be heartbreakers for sure.

Beth said...

I didn't even know you were blogging!!! That is such a funny story!! I had to read it to scott!