Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Favorite Song

So, I'm talking to Jack's kindergarten teacher last Friday and she has this little smirk on her face. She quietly says, "I was asking the kids what their favorite songs were, and most of the kids said, Jonas Brothers or something similar, but Jack said his was Abba" She thought that she must have mis-heard him, so she asked him which song was his favorite and he told her proudly, Dancing Queen. Again, she thought, that's a 70's band, he can't possibly mean the same thing I'm thinking. So she asked him to sing a few lines. Sure enough...he proudly belted out the first few lines of the chorus from the song, Dancing Queen by Abba. So, after we giggled about it, I had to admit that I do own the album (ok, I just dated myself). And when Jack was little, we thought it was so cute, we'd turn on my Abba music and he would dance and sway to the beat. As a matter of fact, it was probably his first exposure to pop music. Oh geesh...I think we need to get some new music for this kid. To have your 6 year old son, tell people his favorite song is Dancing Queen, well...I'm afraid that might get him beat up one day! :-)

1 comment:

Lori said...

Let the kid have his Abba. It's got a good beat and you can dance to it.